Birkman requests an organizational chart for the population making up the study. Birkman also requests a complete job description for the position. If no job description is available, we request the company provide as much information as possible about the duties performed in the targeted position. Birkman researchers can also use the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to determine the responsibilities included in the targeted position.
The profile is ultimately to be based on performance. Therefore, performance ratings for each individual are necessary. The determination of which specific performance criterion is to be used is coordinated between the Birkman Research & Development department and the designated project contact. Typically, Birkman requires a minimum of at least 15 individuals whom have top ratings in their performance appraisals and at least 15 individuals whom have low ratings in their performance appraisals in order to determine the psychometric characteristics that may have meaningful impact on performance. To perform optimal analyses, continuous performance data (i.e., individuals are rank ordered from low to high performance) is needed. Data collection can proceed once the criteria have been determined. Birkman researchers also collect The Birkman Method assessment results on the individuals participating in the study.
Birkman has Job Selection Profile samples and pricing available upon request. If interested, contact Birkman at
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