- Visit https://birkman.learnupon.com/ to login to your LearnUpon account.
- Once you are logged in, click on Learning Paths located on the left-hand side.
- The “Learning Paths” bucket will show you the Birkman Toolkits and Component Presentation Pack.
- Click on Course(s) for the resource you want to view. On the next screen click Enroll Now.
- When you select “Enroll Now” you’ll be asked to confirm enrollment; select Yes. *You will receive an email notification that you have been enrolled.
- The Enroll Now button will change to Launch. Click Launch to begin the Course.
- To return to the home screen, click Dashboard located in the top left corner of the screen repeat steps 2 and 4
For additional assistance, please email support@birkman.com. We are happy to help!
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