Color Palette:
The color palette for The Birkman Colors are the following:
- Red
- HEX: #9D0B0F
- RGB: 157 11 15
- CMYK: 24 100 100 22
- Blue
- HEX: #005DA3
- RGB: 0 93 163
- CMYK: 95 68 6 0
- Green
- HEX: #00734A
- RGB: 0 115 74
- CMYK: 89 31 85 19
- Yellow
- HEX: #E18E26
- RGB: 225 142 38
- CMYK: 10 50 100 0
Logo Usage:
To ensure clarity, always keep a minimum of the defined clear space around the logo. This gives the logo room to stand apart from any competing text or graphic elements. Below is an example.
Always look for contrast with the logo and background. The full color logo may be used on light color values and images. When the logo must be used on darker images, use the white version of the logo. Below is an example.
For co-branding, we understand you may need to add your logo alongside the Birkman logo. In these instance, ensure the Birkman logo appears first, that there is a complete parity of size and placement, and that there is appropriate spacing between the logos. Below is an example.
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