Getting Started with Birkman Basics [Presentation]




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    Mike Hill

    What do you mean when you say the Birkman is a "certified" assessment ?

    What body certifies?


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    Hello Mike, 

    "Certification" refers to Birkman Signature Certification—our three-day training course for understanding Birkman report concepts.

    We have different levels of reports, and the more in-depth ones (like the Signature Report) require a Birkman Certified Professional (someone who has completed Birkman Signature Certification) to interpret them. 

    Birkman Basics is a non-certified report level, which means the Birkman Basics report can be self-interpreted by the end user (doesn't need a Birkman Certified Professional to interpret it).

    So, to answer your question, there isn't a certifying body for assessments. That said, our Birkman Signature Certification is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). For more details on these credentials, learn more here: 



    If you have more questions, I highly recommend reaching out to us at to get connected to someone on our team.


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